Updates from the Elder Board

September 9th

Elder Search Update

Last night the church membership voted in strongly Pastor Jonathan Eck to be our new Lead Pastor of Grace Crossing Church. The membership meeting ended with prayer and a celebration with the entire Eck family. He will start on Sunday Oct 6, 2024 and speak his first message the following Sunday on Oct 13, 2024. The entire congregation and elder board are deeply grateful for God’s provision and peace throughout this search process. 

Pastor Leif will directly support Pastor Jonathan to ensure a smooth transition from October 6–Nov 10. Pastor Leif’s last Sunday will be on November 10, 2024.

August 25th

Search Update

The elder board has come to the decision with much prayer and peace from the Holy Spirit that Jonathan Eck will be called to candidate for the position of Lead Pastor at Grace Crossing Church on Sunday September 8, 2024. He will speak in the morning service and we will hold a special member's business meeting at 5pm for a vote and affirmation of this candidate.

August 11, 2024

Search Update -  We have narrowed down the search to two candidates, we are interviewing them this week. Please continue to pray for this process.

Our finances are continuing to stay in the black. Our FY ending 8/2024 will end in a surplus.

Earlier this summer we had a staff and treasurer transition.

Lydia Boreman resigned at Stewardship Director.  Cameisha Williams was hired as a part-time bookkeeper. The treasurer role was transitioned to Ted Lewis. Lydia was able to train each enabling a smooth transition. Each have agreed to stay on for a 9 month period. 

April 7, 2024

Elder Update

February 11, 2024

Elder Update

January 21, 2024

Elder Update

August 27. 2023

Congregational Meeting


August 14. 2023

Special Business Meeting

Elder Financial Update


July 9, 2023

Congregational Meeting


Your prayers for this transition are appreciated. Should you have immediate questions or concerns, please email the GCC Elder Board via elders@gracecrossingchurch.net.